Thoughts on Waste Reduction, Zero Waste, Sustanability and Such

In our trash talking blog, we write about trends, tips, and issues in the waste and environmental sustainability world. We hope you'll find something useful to help your company be more sustainable. If you want us to explore something or ask a question, contact us!

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How the Way We Think Influences the Way We Recycle

By The Team
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It seems there exists a certain recycling bias in our collective psyche in regards to what we “think” is recyclable versus what actually is recyclable.  A marketing professor from Boston University, Remi Trudel, has discovered that we make unconscious decisions when it comes to recycling based upon our “perception of usefulness”.  You can…

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Why Plant Native?

By The Team
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Fall is a great time of year to get outside when it isn’t so hot out there and get to planting all of those wonderful trees, shrubs and flowers that our native to your area.  Planting right now gives the roots enough time to start growing and get nice and warm and happy…

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Recycle Your Electronics!

By The Team
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Why is recycling old electronics important? In the world we live in today it seems our electronics are outdated before we have even had time to finish setting up the one we just bought.  Electronics consumption is a vicious cycle.  We are constantly bombarded with the newest, flashiest pieces of tech on the…

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Compost! Everybody’s Doing It!

By The Team
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It seems every time you turn around these days some business or city has implemented a new plan for composting; I bet you even have a neighbor or two with a compost pile in their backyard.  It is something very simple to do and the benefits are countless!  Start one in your backyard…

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Paper Recycling

By The Team
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Paper, specifically newspaper, can be credited with kick starting the curbside recycling industry. Forty (40) years ago when curbside recycling was just beginning to take shape it all centered around newspapers because back then newspaper was everywhere.  There wasn’t social media, 24-hour coverage or news apps on cell phones. For everyone to keep…

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Stopping Junk Mail

By The Team
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Are you as tired as we are of seeing our mailboxes overflowing with nothing but useless and unwanted junk?  Credit card offers, catalogs, advertisements, the endless stream of junk mail that fills our mailboxes on daily basis is not only ridiculous, but it is also slowly depleting our natural resources.  From the trees…

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Household Hazardous Waste

By The Team
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What makes waste hazardous?  Not all hazardous waste is generated at an industrial plant.  In fact, many of us generate household hazardous waste on a regular basis.  According to the EPA “leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable or reactive ingredients are considered to be household hazardous waste (HHW). Products, such as paints,…

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Raising Recycling Awareness

By The Team
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Waste program managers are often tasked with raising recycling awareness at their organization because success relies on the daily actions of everyone. Increasing recycling awareness can increase the quality and quantity of recycled materials, but even the best campaign for recycling awareness won’t overcome a poorly designed recycling program. For 70+ years, Keep…

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Oyster Shell Recycling

By The Team
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Did you know you can recycle oyster shells? We all know that the health of the Chesapeake Bay has been suffering in recent decades and that includes its oyster population. Here is a sobering fact: The Chesapeake Bay has lost more than 99% of its native oyster population and each year continues to…

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