On-site Waste Management System Support

Would your business benefit from having an on-site waste stream manager? Our team has helped companies reduce waste for over 20 years by implementing a waste management system that aims to continuously improve toward a zero waste goal.

Schedule a site visit to determine how we can help you.

stadium waste audit zero waste event
recycling waste training in hospital
recycling label compactor

waste stream manager services

We can help your team with...

  • Improving waste handling policies
  • Meeting waste, composting, or recycling regulations
  • Getting staff to better separate waste and recycling
  • Educating staff on waste handling and separation guidelines
  • Implementing waste reduction, diversion, and zero waste best practices
  • Improving housekeeper efficiency and safety
  • Negotiating and managing waste hauler relationships and scheduling hauling service
  • Reviewing waste invoices to ensure proper billing and service
  • Resolving issues from broken compactors or missed service
  • Reporting waste goal progress to leadership
  • Hosting zero waste events to increase staff awareness of recycling
  • Developing innovative partnerships with community organizations for donations

the value we bring

Resolve and Prevent Hauling Issues

We'll monitor your dock and waste hauling equipment to ensure issues don't disrupt operations.

Train and Engage Staff

We'll train and empower staff to do their part to improve waste management at your facility.

Ensure Compliance and Efficiency

We'll round and monitor your facility to ensure compliance and maximize waste flow efficiency.

Innovative Project Management

We'll identify, plan, and facilitate innovative best practices to achieve your goals.

Ready to find out more?

Want to talk to our team about waste stream management?

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us to start the conversation.


True professionals that helped us exceed our sustainability goals and saved us money. Does not get any better than this company.

VP of Sales
Waste Hauling Services Provider

Our company had to achieve a diversion rate, and the Reduction In Motion team helped us do so. The consulting they provided created the true success of our company's efforts. As we were able to expand the programs and now divert almost 40% more than just two years ago.

Sales Representative
Plastics Manufacturer