Why Plant Native?

Fall is a great time of year to get outside when it isn’t so hot out there and get to planting all of those wonderful trees, shrubs and flowers that our native to your area.  Planting right now gives the roots enough time to start growing and get nice and warm and happy down in…

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Recycle Your Electronics!

Why is recycling old electronics important? In the world we live in today it seems our electronics are outdated before we have even had time to finish setting up the one we just bought.  Electronics consumption is a vicious cycle.  We are constantly bombarded with the newest, flashiest pieces of tech on the market driving…

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Compost! Everybody’s Doing It!

It seems every time you turn around these days some business or city has implemented a new plan for composting; I bet you even have a neighbor or two with a compost pile in their backyard.  It is something very simple to do and the benefits are countless!  Start one in your backyard today!  You…

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