An Organic Waste Collection Journey

A Focus on Organic Waste The USDA estimates that 1/3 of all available food supply is wasted, which accounts for 21% of all the waste in the US sent to landfills or energy-recovery incinerators according to the EPA.   Innovative tech companies along with local and state governments are making significant investments in solutions to the…

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Designing a Food Waste Collection Program

The USDA estimates that one-third of all available food supply is wasted, which accounts for 21% of all the waste in the US sent to landfills or energy-recovery incinerators according to the EPA. Unlike the Mobro incident in 1987 that kick-started recycling in the US, the coming food waste revolution looks to be driven by…

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Mandatory Food Scrap Recycling in Connecticut

Starting last week, all businesses in Connecticut that generate more than two (2) tons of food scraps per week are required to send those scraps to an organic composting facility, if such a facility is located within twenty (20) miles.  Currently, there are only three (3) such facilities in the state, but they have made…

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Compost! Everybody’s Doing It!

It seems every time you turn around these days some business or city has implemented a new plan for composting; I bet you even have a neighbor or two with a compost pile in their backyard.  It is something very simple to do and the benefits are countless!  Start one in your backyard today!  You…

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