DC Zero Waste Omnibus 2022 – Battery Recycling

Washington DC Battery Recycling

With the enactment of the DC Zero Waste Omnibus Amendment, a new easy and FREE DC battery recycling program will be made available to residents and businesses for ALL types of batteries: rechargeable batteries (such as lithium, nickel, and small sealed lead acid) and single use batteries (alkaline and lithium buttons).  Before you panic about…

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How to Recycle Better at Work on America Recycles Day

Recycle Laptops

America Recycles Day started in 1997 and is celebrated every year on November 15 by Keep America Beautiful. Regardless of the complicated politics behind this holiday (spoiler it was created by the beverage and packaging industry – learn more here: The Litter Myth podcast via NRP’s Throughline), it’s important on this day to spread awareness…

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Thoughts on Current Waste Disposal Services

Black Trash Bags

Waste disposal is a major concern in every society – both developed and underdeveloped. Creating and running a sustainable waste elimination system with strong waste disposal services is central to the sanity and health of every nation. Hence, the focus on having a robust waste management system in place. In some cities, this is run…

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How to Reduce Waste and Costs at your Business

waste data report example

According to the United Nations, over 2.12 billion tons of waste is disposed of annually. Guess what? Industrial and commercial businesses contribute to the vast majority of all the waste dumped worldwide every year. Reduction In Motion can help you with how to reduce waste; we are a waste reduction company who has helped organizations…

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Waste Management Planning, A Fact of Business Life

waste management planning trash happens consultant

You Manage the Inflow and Outflow of Financial Assets; This Isn’t That Different Every facility is going to produce trash. Whether it’s a small business, a large facility (like a hospital or campus), or a huge sports stadium, managing a facility’s waste stream is just a fact of life. Basically, a proportion of what comes…

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5 Easy America Recycles Day Events

Kick the cup challenge

The National Recycling Coalition started America Recycles Day 20 years ago and the celebration is now a part of Keep America Beautiful. Each year, November 15th is dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and buy recycled products. In support of this, we’re providing 5 easy to coordinate events that can help spread awareness at your facility!…

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Are You Throwing Money Away?

For many, the fiscal year recently ended in June. That means, by now, you’ve closed out your budget and have started planning future budgets. Now, how many were shocked by how much you spent on waste last year? If you’re trying to better plan future waste expenditures or looking to slim your budget – keep…

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Does Your Pharmacy Recycle?

Whether you’re a stand-alone pharmacy or a hospital with multiple internal pharmacies – you’ve got A LOT of boxes and plastic containers. Boxes are perfect to divert as single-stream recycling! We recently rolled out a customized program throughout a large hospital’s pharmacy. Of the 18 workstations that we assessed in the pharmacy, we were able…

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5 Steps to a Green Office

The TeamOur team of sustainability and waste consultants work together to develop content for our site. Contact us to learn more about something we’ve written about or would like us to focus on in the future. reductioninmotion.com

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Do you have a trashy co-worker? We can help!

Montgomery County has been a nationally recognized leader in waste diversion and recycling for decades. The county leaders have set a goal to have at least 70% of all waste generated in the county recycled and/or diverted from the landfill by 2020.  According to their press release this new goal “puts Montgomery County in an…

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