Rethinking Healthcare Waste Management: A Call to Action for Compliance and Sustainability

Healthcare Waste Management California Inspection

Rethinking Healthcare Waste Management: A Call to Action for Compliance and Sustainability  In light of the recent $49 million settlement with Kaiser Permanente for improper waste disposal, hospitals across California are urged to reassess their waste management practices. The California Medical Waste Management Act mandates that all healthcare facilities follow strict guidelines for managing waste,…

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10 Things Your Waste Hauler Won’t Tell You (But We Will!)

10 Things Your Hauler Won't Tell you

Managing waste can be tricky, especially if you’re relying on a hauler without knowing the fine print. At Reduction In Motion, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 things your waste hauler likely isn’t telling you—insights that can help you save money, streamline your operations, and align your waste program with sustainability goals. 1.…

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5 Things to Look for on Your Waste Invoices

Waste Invoice Audting

Reviewing waste invoices can be daunting and tedious. It often feels like an uphill battle, from deciphering complex details to catching unexpected fee increases. However, understanding and managing these invoices is crucial to controlling costs and ensuring efficient waste management. This blog will share practical tips to help you navigate waste invoices, hold your vendors…

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