10 Farmers Market Management Tips after 15 Years

farmers market stand sustainability

A Farmers Market is one of the best ways to engage people within your organization and community in a sustainable way. Our team at Reduction In Motion has a decade of experience running farmers markets and wanted to share some of the lessons we learned over the years. We hope these tips will help you…

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What We Do at Reduction in Motion

Trash container overflowing with waste

The Role of a Sustainability Consultant Sustainability is one of the primary issues — perhaps the most crucial one — of our times. At Reduction In Motion, we specialize in one aspect of sustainability: strategically developing the most efficient and effective programs for dealing with the disposal of that ever-present fact of modern life, trash.…

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Hire a Sustainability Team that Cares

Have your employees become disengaged when it comes to sustainability? Are you tired of asking questions and not getting any answers? If you’ve signed up for an all-inclusive waste program, chances are, you feel like all the life has been drained out of your sustainability program.  We can reinvigorate it for you. Now, we won’t…

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Reporting Internally and Externally

After a baseline and goals have been set, consistent progress reporting becomes necessary. In addition to the various internal audiences to which a project manager will be responsible for reporting, all external audiences and broadcast opportunities should be identified and exploited. Awareness is key to success in sustainability, and reliable, impactful data is an important…

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Setting Goals and Milestones

Once establishing where you stand, the next step is to determine where you need to go. Haphazardly approaching goal setting will make program managers less efficient and program reporting problematic. Your long-term goals should be built upon industry-recognized standards versus that with which program managers or executives feel comfortable. Depending on your baseline, the timeframe…

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Establishing a Reliable Baseline

Data:  we all want it; we all need it. It is no secret that data drives us. From return on investment to calorie counting, data sets are helping us make better decisions at work and home. As we become more reliant on data, the question remains, “what do you do with data you can’t trust,…

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You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure

We can’t imagine this is the first time you’ve heard, “you can’t manage what you don’t measure”. This is particularly important when discussing waste tracking. Waste, in general, is a pennies business, but those pennies can add up very, very quickly and disrupt your budget if left unchecked. Just as disposing of waste cannot disrupt…

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Pitching The Business Case for Sustainability

“How much is all this sustainability stuff going to cost?” In a World of growing resource and environmental crises, cost may be the least of a corporation’s concerns when required to adopt sustainability principles to ensure long-term viability. Water scarcity is probably the most publicized concern that has many industries scrambling to innovate. In many…

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Q&A with our President Bill Griffith Part II

Is Reduction In Motion’s scope of work the same for every client? Not at all. Our clients’ goals and needs dictate our scopes of work. Our full-service program puts our facilitators on-site to implement a comprehensive waste segregation and sustainability program. However, we are willing to create a custom scope of work around any of…

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