Thoughts on Waste Reduction, Zero Waste, Sustanability and Such

In our trash talking blog, we write about trends, tips, and issues in the waste and environmental sustainability world. We hope you'll find something useful to help your company be more sustainable. If you want us to explore something or ask a question, contact us!

Plastic Free July Tips

Plastic Free July – Tips

By The Team
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Join the global mission to reduce and eliminate single-use plastics in celebration of Plastic Free July! What’s wrong with single-use plastics? Plastic is everywhere. It’s a convenient, cheap, easy, flexible substance, but it’s wreaking havoc on us and our environment. Here are a few unfortunate facts from Global Citizen: Only 9% of all plastic produced is recycledA whopping 2 million plastic bags are used every minute worldwideEvery minute of every day a truckload of plastic is dumped into the ocean73% of beach litter worldwide is plasticOne million plastic bottles are bought every minute How to participate in Plastic Free July?…

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waste audit

Waste Audit – Getting Started

By The Team
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A waste audit is an examination of how waste is currently disposed to determine opportunities for improving waste reduction and diversion efforts such as recycling, composting, donation, and reuse. There are different waste audit strategies that can be used depending on your goals, operations, and resources. WASTE AUDIT BENEFITS Understand what you throw away Identify contamination Discover missed recycling opportunities Obtain data to support policies, plans, and projects Acquire pictures to assist in education and training Measure progress towards your waste diversion goals Validate information provided by your hauler Develop reporting required by a regulator WASTE AUDIT PLAN A waste…

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Food Waste from Cooking

Green Holiday Meal Tips

By The Team
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Two great tips for a green holiday meal: Minimize Food Waste from Holiday Meals Did you know that the average household in US spends approximately $1,500 a year on food that will be wasted and often tossed in the trash? Just think… what would you do with an extra $1,500 in your pocket?! The holiday season especially is one of the most wasteful times of the year; nearly 25% of the food wasted in a year occurs between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. When purchasing your food for the holiday meals, try to be aware of the number of people you…

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Recycle Laptops

How to Recycle Better at Work on America Recycles Day

By The Team
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America Recycles Day started in 1997 and is celebrated every year on November 15 by Keep America Beautiful. Regardless of the complicated politics behind this holiday (spoiler it was created by the beverage and packaging industry – learn more here: The Litter Myth podcast via NRP’s Throughline), it’s important on this day to spread awareness of how to recycle better and improve waste diversion programs at your company. To celebrate America Recycles Day at work this year, consider some of the following:   #1 – Set up an office supply swap You know the 3 R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle. Focusing…

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Black Trash Bags

Thoughts on Current Waste Disposal Services

By The Team
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Waste disposal is a major concern in every society – both developed and underdeveloped. Creating and running a sustainable waste elimination system with strong waste disposal services is central to the sanity and health of every nation. Hence, the focus on having a robust waste management system in place. In some cities, this is run solely by the government, while in others, it is run in conjunction with or solely by private entities. In all, the government usually regulates the system while creating an enabling environment for a sustainable waste management system. However, in recent times, the world is bending…

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waste data report example

How to Reduce Waste and Costs at your Business

By The Team
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According to the United Nations, over 2.12 billion tons of waste is disposed of annually. Guess what? Industrial and commercial businesses contribute to the vast majority of all the waste dumped worldwide every year. Reduction In Motion can help you with how to reduce waste; we are a waste reduction company who has helped organizations make sustainability possible for 20 years. Sadly, waste places a serious burden not only on our environment but also on our economy. If you run a business that produces significant waste, reducing the amount of waste you generate will save money and improve your environmental…

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Virus Image for Waste Sorting Concerns

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Ambulatory Care Settings

By The Team
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As the coronavirus outbreak spreads globally, healthcare providers and facilities need to exercise caution in handling waste generated from caring for infected or potentially infectious patients.  When it comes to ambulatory care settings, extra safety measures are required to minimize or eradicate the virus’s risks. This is particularly regarding how best to dispose of waste arising from these scenarios.  Luckily, public health authorities like the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) have provided some guidelines for adequately managing waste generated from COVID-19 patients and healthcare facilities.  It’s worth mentioning that there are only very slight changes…

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Earth Day Guide to Reduce Waste

By The Team
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This Earth Day Guide summarizes ways you can reduce waste and celebrate Earth Day each and every day. Humans impact the Earth in many ways, but our waste is one of the most meaningful impacts. According to 2018 numbers from the EPA, each American throws away 4.9 pounds of waste per day! In this guide, we explore ways to improve the quality of our world by reducing waste and pollution on behalf of Earth Day 2022. When did earth day start? In the mid-20th century, industrial America was booming. The economy was soaring. But the environment was suffering. In the…

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waste management planning trash happens consultant

Waste Management Planning, A Fact of Business Life

By The Team
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You Manage the Inflow and Outflow of Financial Assets; This Isn’t That Different Every facility is going to produce trash. Whether it’s a small business, a large facility (like a hospital or campus), or a huge sports stadium, managing a facility’s waste stream is just a fact of life. Basically, a proportion of what comes into your facility is going to go out of it as trash. The best way to manage this inflow-outflow process is by developing a workable, professional waste management plan. Unfortunately, this process — one that happens every day, in every facility, everywhere — is often…

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