Thoughts on Waste Reduction, Zero Waste, Sustanability and Such

In our trash talking blog, we write about trends, tips, and issues in the waste and environmental sustainability world. We hope you'll find something useful to help your company be more sustainable. If you want us to explore something or ask a question, contact us!

Are Food Waste Bans Giving You a Headache?

By The Team
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We all agree that recycling is important, right? But have you considered recycling food waste? When food is placed in a landfill, it slowly breaks down and releases methane, a greenhouse gas linked to climate change. No one likes that. Check out the newest list below of states and cities focused on diverting food waste from the landfills with some form of ‘food waste ban.’ Establishing a compost collection program can be a bit of a bumpy road when you’re unfamiliar with the process and materials. If you’re interested in learning how best to implement a waste diversion program at…

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5 Steps to a Green Office

By The Team
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Hire a Sustainability Team that Cares

By The Team
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Have your employees become disengaged when it comes to sustainability? Are you tired of asking questions and not getting any answers? If you’ve signed up for an all-inclusive waste program, chances are, you feel like all the life has been drained out of your sustainability program.  We can reinvigorate it for you. Now, we won’t lie, there are advantages to the big-box stores and big business models (budget control being one of the most enticing) but, more often than not, you start to feel like you’re just a small fish in a big pond.  If you miss that personal connection…

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reduce waste costs

Do You Want to Save $35,000?

By The Team
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Saving $35,000 sounds impossible, right? Wrong. Inside the operating room there’s a HUGE opportunity.  According to Practice Greenhealth, the operating room can account for 30% of all waste generated facility-wide and up to 60% of all regulated medical waste (RMW).  And, did you know that the average cost of RMW is 11 times more expensive than regular trash (municipal solid waste) and up to 17 times more expensive than recycling???  Reducing RMW may seem like a challenge, but we’re professional trash talkers, it’s in our DNA. It all starts with looking at the waste coming out of the operating rooms. …

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Reduction In Motion awarded Sustainability Partnership Game Changer Award at this year’s Waste Expo

By The Team
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On September 20, 2016, Reduction In Motion received the Sustainability Partnership Game Changer Award from the National Waste360 Recycling Association, through our collaboration with John’s Hopkins University School of Medicine and ASI Waste. We are proud to have achieved this honor for ourselves and our clients and would like to thank everyone who made this success possible. We are looking forward to new challenges, successes, and achievements in the year to come.

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Do you have a trashy co-worker? We can help!

By The Team
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Montgomery County has been a nationally recognized leader in waste diversion and recycling for decades. The county leaders have set a goal to have at least 70% of all waste generated in the county recycled and/or diverted from the landfill by 2020.  According to their press release this new goal “puts Montgomery County in an elite group of major jurisdictions which have the highest recycling goals in the United States.” In addition to a recycling/diversion rate of 70% Montgomery County’s SORRT (Smart Organizations Reduce and Recycle Tons) program requires businesses of any size to maintain an updated recycling plan to…

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Merging Wasteflow with Workflow

By The Team
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Ever hear this when trying to start a new program? “I just don’t have the time.” “We just don’t have the space” “There’s just no money for that” “That’s not going to work here, because no one cares” Believe us; we have. In fact, these excuses are the most popular form of resistance. However, none of these can stop a well-orchestrated program. Most often these excuses and resistance to change, in general, are in response to fear that new processes will disrupt an employee’s existing workflow. If your organization’s wasteflows do not correlate with your employees’ workflows, your waste segregation…

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Reporting Internally and Externally

By The Team
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After a baseline and goals have been set, consistent progress reporting becomes necessary. In addition to the various internal audiences to which a project manager will be responsible for reporting, all external audiences and broadcast opportunities should be identified and exploited. Awareness is key to success in sustainability, and reliable, impactful data is an important communication tool. When a successful program is effectively communicated from managers, it is more likely to be recognized by third parties, further increasing its reach. Effective reporting of data requires fully understanding one’s audience. Whether assembling a comprehensive report for the board of directors or…

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Setting Goals and Milestones

By The Team
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Once establishing where you stand, the next step is to determine where you need to go. Haphazardly approaching goal setting will make program managers less efficient and program reporting problematic. Your long-term goals should be built upon industry-recognized standards versus that with which program managers or executives feel comfortable. Depending on your baseline, the timeframe for achieving these goals may be long. It is important to incorporate ongoing milestones that are achievable, so program managers and your organization can positively promote progress toward the long-term goal. If your industry does not have recognized goals, your organization should utilize assessments such…

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