Thoughts on Waste Reduction, Zero Waste, Sustanability and Such

In our trash talking blog, we write about trends, tips, and issues in the waste and environmental sustainability world. We hope you'll find something useful to help your company be more sustainable. If you want us to explore something or ask a question, contact us!

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Reporting Internally and Externally

By The Team
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After a baseline and goals have been set, consistent progress reporting becomes necessary. In addition to the various internal audiences to which a project manager will be responsible for reporting, all external audiences and broadcast opportunities should be identified and exploited. Awareness is key to success in sustainability, and reliable, impactful data is an important communication tool. When a successful program is effectively communicated from managers, it is more likely to be recognized by third parties, further increasing its reach. Effective reporting of data requires fully understanding one’s audience. Whether assembling a comprehensive report for the board of directors or…

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Setting Goals and Milestones

By The Team
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Once establishing where you stand, the next step is to determine where you need to go. Haphazardly approaching goal setting will make program managers less efficient and program reporting problematic. Your long-term goals should be built upon industry-recognized standards versus that with which program managers or executives feel comfortable. Depending on your baseline, the timeframe for achieving these goals may be long. It is important to incorporate ongoing milestones that are achievable, so program managers and your organization can positively promote progress toward the long-term goal. If your industry does not have recognized goals, your organization should utilize assessments such…

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Establishing a Reliable Baseline

By The Team
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Data:  we all want it; we all need it. It is no secret that data drives us. From return on investment to calorie counting, data sets are helping us make better decisions at work and home. As we become more reliant on data, the question remains, “what do you do with data you can’t trust, yet from which an important decision must still be made?” Unreliable data conclusions can keep your ideas on the shelf and cost your business money and time. Reduction In Motion gets data, especially that from waste. For over a decade, we have helped our clients…

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You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure

By The Team
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We can’t imagine this is the first time you’ve heard, “you can’t manage what you don’t measure”. This is particularly important when discussing waste tracking. Waste, in general, is a pennies business, but those pennies can add up very, very quickly and disrupt your budget if left unchecked. Just as disposing of waste cannot disrupt an employee’s workflow; unnecessary waste costs should not disrupt the operations of your business. The first step is ensuring all of your data is collected in one tool, which allows easy formatting of the data for analysis. Without this, proving a return on investment or…

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An Organic Waste Collection Journey

By The Team
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A Focus on Organic Waste The USDA estimates that 1/3 of all available food supply is wasted, which accounts for 21% of all the waste in the US sent to landfills or energy-recovery incinerators according to the EPA.   Innovative tech companies along with local and state governments are making significant investments in solutions to the food waste problem.  Businesses with food services elements should pursue comprehensive organic waste collection and reduction programs to get ahead of impending government regulations and corporate mandates.  Reduction In Motion can help you design a sustainable program just as we have done with this client.…

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Designing a Food Waste Collection Program

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The USDA estimates that one-third of all available food supply is wasted, which accounts for 21% of all the waste in the US sent to landfills or energy-recovery incinerators according to the EPA. Unlike the Mobro incident in 1987 that kick-started recycling in the US, the coming food waste revolution looks to be driven by business innovators and some progressive governments looking at the future problem as an opportunity. Food waste bans and collection pilots are being considered or tested by many local and state governments across the country while innovative technology, such as anaerobic digesters, are finding practical applications.…

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Pitching The Business Case for Sustainability

By The Team
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“How much is all this sustainability stuff going to cost?” In a World of growing resource and environmental crises, cost may be the least of a corporation’s concerns when required to adopt sustainability principles to ensure long-term viability. Water scarcity is probably the most publicized concern that has many industries scrambling to innovate. In many circumstances, however, a business’s bottom line is not direly affected by sustainability issues, yet. Therefore, selling a strong business case to incorporate sustainability principles is paramount to your sustainability program’s success. How do you put together a strong business case for sustainability? You may only…

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TV has Gotten Trashy!

By The Team
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Has everyone been watching Human Resources on Pivot TV? We have, and so far we’re loving it! The show is based on the inner workings of the innovative recycling company TerraCycle. Located in Trenton, New Jersey, TerraCycle’s lineup of spunky employees are led by their CEO Tom Szaky, who founded the company at 20 years old with the lofty mission of eliminating the concept of waste. The show avoids the usual doom and gloom statistics of the world’s trash problems and instead presents the waste problems that we all face in a fun and entertaining way. The entire staff is…

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Feeling the Pressure to ‘Go Green’?

By The Team
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The pressure on businesses to go green is red hot. Employees and community members are increasingly expecting companies to function as community stewards; while at the same time, executives and business leaders are looking to capitalize on sustainability’s public relations and cost-saving opportunities. Regardless of what has been accomplished, the pressure doesn’t let up. Companies with established sustainability programs are expected to become leaders and take on innovative pilot initiatives while companies without programs will be questioned every time a competitor develops their own. As sustainability continues to become better understood, many companies are recognizing the cost-saving, public relations and…

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