Thoughts on Waste Reduction, Zero Waste, Sustanability and Such
In our trash talking blog, we write about trends, tips, and issues in the waste and environmental sustainability world. We hope you'll find something useful to help your company be more sustainable. If you want us to explore something or ask a question, contact us!
Q&A with our President Bill Griffith Part II
Is Reduction In Motion’s scope of work the same for every client? Not at all. Our clients’ goals and needs dictate our scopes of work. Our full-service program puts our facilitators on-site to implement a comprehensive waste segregation and sustainability program. However, we are willing to create a custom scope of work around…
Read MoreQ&A with our President Bill Griffith
Who is Reduction In Motion? We are sustainability consultants with expertise in waste minimization and waste flow strategies for large organizations. Programs at our clients last because we’re there every step of the way from planning and training to monitoring and tracking. We act as an insurance policy, making sure our clients meet…
Read MoreLEED Gold Certification for Maryland Stadium Authority
The Baltimore Ravens and Maryland Stadium Authority have been recognized by the U.S. Green Building Council. In November, M&T Bank Stadium, home of the Baltimore Ravens, became the first existing outdoor professional sports facility in the country, to receive U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Gold rating for an Existing Building – Operations and Maintenance…
Read MoreHealthier Hospitals Initiative Supporting Business
We are proud to be a supporting business of the Healthier Hospitals Initiative. Through their sustainability objectives, we look to help our clients grow their sustainability programs. Are you interested in finding out what Reduction In Motion can do for you? Contact us today at (410) 877-1593. For the past 12 years, we’ve…
Read MoreMassachusetts Food Waste Ban won’t go into effect until October 1st
It’s not too late! Great news if you’re one of the commercial businesses in the State of Massachusetts that will be affected by the upcoming food waste disposal ban; you now have until October 1st to get an action plan together. Give us a call today and we will help get you going.…
Read MoreFood Waste Ban in Massachusetts will affect commercial businesses on July 1st
The State of Massachusetts has put forth one of the most aggressive food waste bans in the country, scheduled to take effect July 1, 2014. If you are a commercial business operating in Massachusetts and you generate more than one (1) ton of food waste each week, you can no longer just throw…
Read MoreMandatory Food Scrap Recycling in Connecticut
Starting last week, all businesses in Connecticut that generate more than two (2) tons of food scraps per week are required to send those scraps to an organic composting facility, if such a facility is located within twenty (20) miles. Currently, there are only three (3) such facilities in the state, but they…
Read MoreDelaware Enforces Universal Recycling
Starting yesterday, all commercial businesses in Delaware will be required to participate in the state’s universal recycling program. Delaware has set a goal of 50% landfill diversion by 2015. Landfill diversion of commercial waste (which makes up 50% of the State’s total municipal solid waste) has remained to stagnate at 26% since 2006.…
Read MoreLet’s All Try to be A Little Greener this Holiday Season
The holiday season is upon us and retailers everywhere have started their campaigns to get us all into their stores to buy the latest and greatest toys, gadgets, clothes, you name it, they’re trying to convince you to buy it. This year we are challenging you to think about reducing and reusing when…
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