Waste Management Planning, A Fact of Business Life

waste management planning trash happens consultant

You Manage the Inflow and Outflow of Financial Assets; This Isn’t That Different Every facility is going to produce trash. Whether it’s a small business, a large facility (like a hospital or campus), or a huge sports stadium, managing a facility’s waste stream is just a fact of life. Basically, a proportion of what comes…

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What We Do at Reduction in Motion

Trash container overflowing with waste

The Role of a Sustainability Consultant Sustainability is one of the primary issues — perhaps the most crucial one — of our times. At Reduction In Motion, we specialize in one aspect of sustainability: strategically developing the most efficient and effective programs for dealing with the disposal of that ever-present fact of modern life, trash.…

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Are You Throwing Money Away?

For many, the fiscal year recently ended in June. That means, by now, you’ve closed out your budget and have started planning future budgets. Now, how many were shocked by how much you spent on waste last year? If you’re trying to better plan future waste expenditures or looking to slim your budget – keep…

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Top 5 things we’ve heard….

Have you ever started a sustainability program but hit a road block when it came to getting it up and running? Program implementation can be frustrating, even for the most experienced of managers. Below are the top 5 problems we’ve heard from our clients in the past 12 months, if you’ve asked yourself any of…

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Compost Program 101 (Part 2): Assessment

Now that we’ve got the basics of compost under our belt (click here to see the first blog in this series post in case you missed the intro to compost!), let’s move on to the first step of implementing a compost program: conducting an assessment. First, we’ll start with a waste audit, which is exactly…

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Does Your Pharmacy Recycle?

Whether you’re a stand-alone pharmacy or a hospital with multiple internal pharmacies – you’ve got A LOT of boxes and plastic containers. Boxes are perfect to divert as single-stream recycling! We recently rolled out a customized program throughout a large hospital’s pharmacy. Of the 18 workstations that we assessed in the pharmacy, we were able…

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Got Food Scraps? (Part I)

Whether we like it or not, we create compostable waste every day.  The luckiest among us have established composting infrastructure to divert that waste from landfills and incinerators.  The rest of us are left to try and figure out how to best to dispose of our company’s food waste, yard waste, and other organic material…

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Are Food Waste Bans Giving You a Headache?

We all agree that recycling is important, right? But have you considered recycling food waste? When food is placed in a landfill, it slowly breaks down and releases methane, a greenhouse gas linked to climate change. No one likes that. Check out the newest list below of states and cities focused on diverting food waste…

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5 Steps to a Green Office

The TeamOur team of sustainability and waste consultants work together to develop content for our site. Contact us to learn more about something we’ve written about or would like us to focus on in the future. reductioninmotion.com

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